I finished Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale (or at least the main story of it.)
It took me another try though. My first go, I came up shy, though I made a valiant effort and made almost all of the 300,000 pix I had in the last 2 days. I figured out the winning formula 2 days too late I think.
On my following loops, I had over 1,000,000 pix by the time my 2nd payment (like 30,000 pix?) was due. I pretty much coasted to the end from there once I figured out the easiest way to make money.
I'm torn on how I feel about the game being beaten so easily. On the one hand, very few people will beat it on their first try because the common prevailing thought is to listen to the game's instructions. Some will get close, but very few will figure it out in time to win on their first playthrough. Those who do, may have had help.
However, anyone with half a brain will beat the game on their second attempt. Fortunately, I have half a brain at least.
My only complaint with the game is that Endless Mode isn't available from the start. The game isn't hard, so it's not a big issue, but Endless Mode, without any concerns about paying back a ridiculous loan, is easily the best part of this game. Though I have yet to try Survival Mode or NG+ (I honestly doubt I'll try them, since the concept is just as easily beaten as the game's story itself)
I'll probably go back to it later, and just go dungeon diving, and trying to find all the events, and leveling up all the adventurers (as well as maxing out my merchant level and upgrading my shop!), but for all intents and purposes, I am done.
I'll probably pick up Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters within the next 24 hours, but no promises. I just spent 3 hours powering through the second playthrough so I could say I beat the game.
All in all, I would reccommend Recettear, when it goes on sale, if for no other reason than it is a rather unique concept in an age of gaming that is focused on repeating the same tired genres over and over, ad finitium. It's not too long (It will take you about 10 hours to finish the game in its entirety, which is counting your almost certain to fail first playthrough, and your almost certain to succeed second try.)
I will give this game one more bit of credit though.
It has possibly the saddest game over that I have seen recently.
Yeah. If you lose, this poor like 14 year old girl ends up in a cardboard box, all because her stupid father took out a huge irresponsible loan and left his daughter to fend for herself.
It is just crushing to think about.