I'll hopefully be playing Dragon Age: Inquisition sometime tonight, once I figure out this Origin headache...
Long story short, I'm playing on PS4, my log in ID on PSN is different from my main email where my Dragon Age World State is (the thing I need to play DA:I with the world I've played in the past 2 games). So I basically needed to create a second origin account and migrate my World State from the account I was forced to create and the account I already had.
Yeah, I could have contacted EA and had this changed, and everything, but they could take weeks to get back to me, knowing how poor they are. So I decided to just deal with the hassle of having two useless origin accounts instead of one.
So, my world state should be set up now. Hopefully. I'm going to take a shower to get rid of this pounding headache. It shouldn't be this freaking hard to set up an account (the login button in-game in DA:I on the PS4 doesn't actually let you log in, it forces you to create an account if you've never played an origin game online under your PSN ID, which is pretty much the deepest horseshit ever, fuck you EA).