Been wanting to play another manshoot lately, after Farcry 3, so I've loaded up Crysis 2. After about 20 minutes, I have no opinion. I guess I'll have an opinion soon?
Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:12 AM
The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.
-Mr. Peanutbutter
Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:37 AM
I mean the game is super easy if you just level. That's what makes Persona 4 kinda easy (but also P4 is so much more strict with days, ugh) since it's super easy to grind in that game. I do believe it gets harder though, since I'm not 100% sure where you are. I know part of the problem with the game in the beginning is just getting used to how you should play, and if you don't immediately master it the game can start out rough.
Maybe Persona 3 is easier than I remember. Persona 4 was a bit hard, but only if you messed up/took the wrong people. Persona 3 had a harder battle system though, and you couldn't control the characters in P3 (except portable) which could cause things to end up bad...
I still think Persona is harder than normal RPGs, especially if you want to 100%. But it's supposed to be the easy accessible part of the Shin Megami Franchise. And SMT can be hard as balls.
This is probably my problem. When I play RPGs, I focus on leveling, since I always expect to NEED to level. I'm ridiculously overleveled at this point I think (I might not need to level for two full moons). The teammates never being under my control doesn't bother me much. I played the Final Fantasy XIII series, which consists entirely of everybody basically controlling themselves, so I'm kind of conditioned to it. At least Persona lets me set Tactics. Only twice so far has a single character fainted on me, and one of those times, it was my fault for pushing the party too hard too quickly.
Persona 3 so far has ranked between Final Fantasy 8 and Grandia in terms of difficulty I feel. Grandia was easier, and Final Fantasy VIII was harder.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:25 PM
But speaking of persona on my new phone the psx emulator works so i've been playing the original
Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:59 PM
I love Final Fantasy VIII too. It was my favorite Final Fantasy if I'm being honest.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 11 March 2014 - 12:10 AM
Posted 11 March 2014 - 01:45 AM
I've beaten nearly every game in the Final Fantasy Series myself (at least the numbered titles)
I've beaten the first 10 (Not X-2 though) as well as 12, 13, and 13-2.
I recently purchased Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, so I'll "probably" beat that one as well. I also have Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming later in the month, as I preordered it. So I'll replay those again.
My favorites in the series (in order, somewhat) would probably be 8, 10, 12, 6, and 13-2 (I know, strange for the last one). My least favorites (which I honestly hated) were 2, 11 (I HATE MMOS), 14 (I HATE MMOS), 13, and 9 (9 stands as one of my least favorite games of all time, actually).
I'm one of the few apparently, who saw 7 as vastly overrated. It's a pretty decent game, but I honestly thought the story was pretty boring. The graphics haven't held up, but that doesn't matter when your story doesn't hold up over time itself.
Really looking forward to the X/X-2 Remaster. I like that series. Part of me wishes they made a X-3, rather than a XIII-3.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:12 AM
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:32 AM
You are like the only other person I've ever met who actually LIKED the Blitzball minigame. I still have my old PS2 memory card with my FFX save on it (but I don't have FFX on my PS2 anymore) that has my ridiculous Blitzball stuff. I have like the best players, all maxed out. It's to the point I can score without trying. I actually got into the habit of trying to draw everyone onto my guy, and making it as difficult as possible to score.
Then X-2 fucked up the formula, and made it a management sim.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:46 AM
But back to blitzball hell I would just draw all the people in to me so I could use the jecht shot.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:50 AM
Jecht Shot 2 mate. Jecht Shot 2.
I owned X-2, briefly. I liked the battle system and job system, and think both worked well... but they fucked with Blitzball, added some stupid Sphere Break game, and completely fucked with the plot (which, while not the best in X, was certainly better than it was in X-2).
I never finished X-2, because of how ridiculous the plot was.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:00 AM
For the record i loved Blitzball as well, 10 isn't my favourite, but i'd say it's in the top 5......I think if i ever complete 13 i'll die happy... and then finally get to play 13-2 and lightning returns.
Does not wanting to punch a classmate in an admin course count as a game?... i mean it's really difficult..
I have no amazing personality traits except the fact I'm British and People don't like my personality.. but i do have a British Accent so at least Some Americans can be angry and oddly happy at the same time.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 03:35 AM
you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 04:19 AM
After about 30 hours in Persona 3, I have finally run into an enemy that I had a little difficulty with, and had to use my revival stuff to bring back Akihiko and Junpei.
This enemy was a boss on one of the floors of Tartarus, and it basically kept reflecting my attacks back at me.
I learned however that the reflect wasn't permanent (it usually is in games I play unless it is removed) and beat it quickly.
My party is starting to get huge, like so huge I can spend literally double the time in Tartarus leveling if I want to, so long as I can keep my character alive.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:14 AM
The park our is really damn cool, and probably more fun, in my opinion, than the mechs (which are neat, too).
The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.
-Mr. Peanutbutter
Posted 12 March 2014 - 08:19 AM
I guess I found my biggest complaint with Persona 3. It's not even really a problem.
See, for those that haven't played it, unlike in most RPGs, where when you level, you boost your stats, you are actually leveling your "Persona's" stats. This is well and good because it's independent of HP/MP growth.
However, it's hard to tell what Personas will be the best down the line, and because they level so slowly you have no choice but to fuse them together if you want a strong persona, because good luck finding a strong one on your own.
Again, this wouldn't be an issue, but you generally have to memorize the difference between things like Agilao and Mabufu or whatever, it's not a big deal most of the time until you find out that HEY YOU HAVE THIS NEW SKILL AND TO CHECK IT OUT YOU HAVE TO FUSE AND LOSE THE TWO PERSONAS YOU ALREADY HAVE JUST TO SEE IF YOU LIKE IT.
When you test it, and find out you don't like it, it's a crappy feeling, because to get back the two personas you had, you basically have to dish out money (and once you get to the higher level Personas, you have to pay even more money) to get back to square one.
Thankfully, I "think" I finally got the whole fusing thing down pat and basically fused a Loa. Thanks to skill inheritances, as well as the Social Link upgrade, it seems way more powerful than anything I've got. (For a brief explanation, my Loa has Mamudo, Life Drain, Agilao, Mabufu, and Zionga, in addition to a couple less important abilities. Agilao is basically mid-Fire, Mabufu is low-Ice but targets all foes, Zionga is med-Electric, and Life Drain steals health from an enemy.)
This is kind of cool to me because to this point, all Personas seemed to be strong against something, and weak against everything else. The only weakness this thing has is "Light" damage, which I have yet to even run into, as far as I can remember. Makes me wonder if this thing can get me through the next full moon (I'm in the middle of Summer Vacation).
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 12 March 2014 - 08:54 AM
You should basically never keep a Persona for more than a few levels. The eventually, basically, max out and there's no reason to keep them.
Also you should be aware of not being weak to light/darkness. Those are insta-kill moves and a lot of later enemies spam it.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 09:45 AM
I haven't seen any instant kill moves that I haven't fired off myself, usually I kill the enemy before they get a real chance to.
I finally maxed out my "Charm" and "Academics" levels, "Courage" is only on Bar 3. Now I can focus on the Social Links. I won't max several out, and I'm pretty sure I've fucked some up and locked myself out of others anyways. Only maxed out Social Links so far are the Hermit and the Chariot, although I'm nearing the end on the Tower, Emperor, Justice, Strength, and half way on Death/Fool, though I know those two are story line based.
Only one Social Link is completely fucked. The Magician one. Because I don't like the guys face.
Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught
Posted 12 March 2014 - 09:56 AM
Hama/Mudo are instant kill moves. Some times enemies have it, but by the end lots of enemies have it and will just kill off your entire party in one hit.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:13 AM
does xenosaga ever get good? ive got the first one, but couldnt get past how boring the fmvs made the beginning.
I've started the first game several times and only once made it to the second set of characters...but I'd like to. I just get distracted too easily when playing games.
I put down Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (literally still in the beginning of the game) and finally started playing Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. I'm having a lot of fun creating spirits. I'd say the two things I dislike so far are (game specific) how often I have to "drop" between Sora and Riku (mainly because I spend, like, the entire drop gauge just trying to find my next location) and (series overall) the fact that I can't save anywhere I want. Has anyone played this who can tell me if there's a way to suspend play and shut my DS off, not just put it into hibernation?
Posted 12 March 2014 - 11:08 PM
Titanfall is pretty nifty, but I probably wouldn't be interested if I didn't have a buddy yo play with. Certainly hits all of the call of duty hot spots, whatever you want to make of that.
The park our is really damn cool, and probably more fun, in my opinion, than the mechs (which are neat, too).
I will totally play with you if you want. I played a bit of it, and so far I think it's a lot of fun.
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