Happy Cinco de Mayo! I don't even know why this holiday exists, and I feel like I probably should!
Also I can't remember when I last did an update on my actual turn, but whatever. To the weeklies!
Member of the Week
Kasper has done something that we all thought impossible. Or at least improbable. He has managed to- (*Kamau attempts to steal keyboard*) No! This is MY update! Ahem, as I was saying, Kasper managed to initiate a debate in the "serious" forum that has gone on for several posts, and no one has yet descended into exclamations of "NO U!" Kudos, sir.
Game of the Week
This game's title screen caught my eye as I was browsing our list of games. It's got an interesting visual style, and all the graphics appear to be original. He's not listed on our page for the game, but Teo (Sunset Over Imdahl) is credited within the game, presumably for the art. When I gained control, I was surprised to find a rather nice-looking custom menu, with more art and a fancy skill tree and the like. I didn't play much, but I'd love to give this one a closer look.
Poll of the Week
Hooray for flowers and warmth. Boo for barely anyone voting.
New poll: This needs to be settled once and for all.
Entertainment of the Week
Ragnarok Online, World of Warships, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Elite Beat Agents
Daredevil, Black Lagoon
Clash of Kings, Knife of Dreams, New Spring, Watchmen, Apocalypse
This one was less work when people wrote out names instead of posting videos (which I suppose I helped start, but whatever), and I'm feeling lazy by this point.