Well, shit. I completely forgot about this.
Last time I made Spazcat MotW because of her gumption relating to MP-con, but she's not the only one involved in MP-con shenanigans- Monkey has been instrumental in deciding on a location and he deserves this doubly for even offering to pay for the venue! :D
Game of the Week
Mystic Planet
So, I was going to just randomly select a game, say 'hey, random game, have your brief moment in the MP spotlight', but then I felt bad and decided, even though this update is late already, to play a bit of it.
I gotta say, this game is pretty funny and not it's so bad it's hilarious, but genuinely humorous. You also get to choose between four different classes in the start of the game (dark mage, moon mage, mage knight and paladin, respectively)which is pretty cool, especially since it's not your usual choice of classes. All in all, I may very well be tempted to keep playing this (but I recommend not skipping the fighting tutorial like I did).
Poll of the Week
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Lex by Ratatat won by a landslide of two votes. Also, their name reminds me of the rattata, the pokemon, hence the next poll.
What did we hear?
Weird Al; Five Finger Death Punch; Persona 4 Reincarnation.
What did we watch?
Jurassic World; Eli; Jupiter Ascending; Neon Genesis Evangelion: If.
What did we play?
Minecraft, lots of it, apparently.