So... this is probably the first update in a long while I've done that hasn't been entirely rushed. Hooray for it being summer- I have too much time on my hands! :D ...Someone shoot me! :D
As an artist, I'm really impressed with how long Dark Shadow's kept on producing comics. It's seriously hard to keep up with the workload for this sort of thing, and it can be hard to keep interested even when progress is slow- especially if the artist doesn't get a lot of feed back (*hint hint, nudge nudge*). Believe me, I know. I have many, many failed comics. So, good job, DS! :D
Game of the Week
Ten Thousand Bullets/10,000 Bulletz
The official title of this game, at least if we were to go by the title screen, is Ten Thousand Bullets, but I like to think the author chose the alternate title 10000 Bulletz as a means of representing the duality of their game. That is, how a game can be so serious and yet so laughably silly at the same time.
The game opens up with our protagonist (Reno) demanding information from a mob boss after giving him the agreed upon payment, all the while calling the mob boss 'Guido'. At first I thought Reno was supposed to be insulting him, but that's actually his name. Don Guido. More bizarrely, everything else follows a distinctly Norse naming scheme. Making this the only Italian man in the entirety of this dystopian futuristic Norway. Granted, even if Guido is his name, our main character is kind of a demanding ass, despite how absolutely desperate he is for whatever info Don Guido has (who does have a room full of presumably armed guards- just sayin').
Reno refuses when Don Guido tells him to off a guy if he wants to get his info. Unsurprisingly, Don Guido orders his men to kill Reno then- to which our protagonist threatens to shoot two random guys who have said and done nothing in retaliation! (gasp!) ...And then they let him run out. Even though they had plenty of opportunity to shoot him. It's implied there was a pretty long gun battle in the train, but we don't really see much of this except for some black and white stills. That is, until our protagonist decides to jump from the train- falling into a bubble of slime that cushions his fall!
Wait, what?
Yeah, that's... Not really explained. He lands, and then it disappears. This is supposed to be a demo, so maybe that was going to be explained later in the game (and admittedly, I didn't finish the demo), but it was still a little head scratching when it happened. Here he meets a woman, Rayne, being accosted by three troops and decides, in typical RPG fashion, to help her kill her assailants with no explanation. Now, in her defense, the troops had apparently stolen some medicine from the local poor, so she was just stealing it back! ...So she could keep it for herself. This is made even worse when you find out the poor are suffering from a deadly disease called Odine's Syndrome and there is a stark medicine shortage (like, there is none. At all.)
By this point, I was thinking that Reno was looking to be the better protagonist by a long shot. It doesn't get much worse than a sociopath of a thief who'd gladly see the people around her slowly die if it means she can make a quick buck. At least Reno has some kind of conscience, seeing as how he refused to kill someone he didn't even know... well, except for those troops, but they totally deserved it, right?
Yeah... That was before he pulled a gun on a drunk guy and threatened to shoot him after he hit on Rayne and called Reno a 'Mama's boy'. Even Rayne knew that was kind of screwed up (though for some reason, this only struck her as somewhat bizarre, seeing as how she didn't run the fuck away from the psycho at that point). When questioned, Reno explains to her that he's adopted and he's searching for his biological mother- and he just couldn't bear it when that drunk dared to mention her! (So... 'your mom' jokes are off limits?)
Rayne, having a few screws loose herself, seems satisfied with that explanation. Better yet, she decides to help Reno! When asked why, she pulls the 'you helped me- I must repay you!' cliche... even though she's an opportunist who has no qualms with taking advantage of others (character consistency- who needs it?)
Really, though, the game isn't all that bad. It takes itself far too seriously, but that kind of makes it funny. It's biggest issue is that everything seems so automated. Throughout most of that, you don't even get to move your character, as the game is just stuck in cut scene mode, which makes it kind of boring. (it also has a long and unfortunately unskippable credits sequence in the beginning). You can explore the town, but Rayne basically tells you exactly where to go as soon as you set foot in the place, so there isn't any need to do so.
Poll of the Week
mpgotpoll.png 22.54K
Looks like Jon and Ramsay tied! I'm sure we all would love to see the latter die. Any bets on who will survive? ;D
What did we hear?
Nothing. We were all deaf.
What did we watch?
Mad Max Fury Road; The Dark Knight; 21 Jump Street; Maze Runner; Kiki's Delivery Service; The Princess Mononoke; IT Crowd;
What did we read?
Towers of Midnight;Fate of the Jedi;A Storm of Swords;Rogues.
What did we play?
Skyrim; Kirby's Adventure in Skyrim; Kirby's Skyrim Dream Skyrim Land 2; Skyrim Fusion; Skyritcher; Skatoon;