Welcome to your apparently bi-weekly updates. This is going to be brief, since I'm super tired after sewing for 3 hours straight.
As we all know, I'm sure, Kasper has been up to some pretty cool stuff for a while. What with the acting and script writing, but I think the costume he's been working on for the haunted house is especially cool. It'd certainly scare the bejesus out of me to see that jump out at me.
Game of the Week
War of Two Worlds
It had dragons on the title screen, so I went with it. Seriously, though, I tried playing through this one and I just didn't have time. The opening is really long and wordy, and then there's a sequence between the main character and his friends which is also very long, wordy and awkwardly paced. It was pretty uninteresting and since I had to go to class, I really didn't want to sit through too much more dialogue.
Poll of the Week
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Unsurprisingly, half of us who voted are on Slack. New poll is up!
What did we hear?
I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General.
What did we play?
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis; Donkey Kong Land; Persona 4 Golden; Tales of Graces F; Trails in the Sky.
What did we watch?
Powerpuff Girls; Young Justice; Gate; Bones (x5); Persona 4: The Animation.