Between missed updates, impromptu updates and all the times people had to cover for other people, I have no idea whose turn it actually is to do updates anymore, but my google calendar reminded me yesterday that it was my turn (I marked down all my scheduled updates months ago). So, regardless of whether that schedule is accurate anymore, I'm sticking to it! ...A day late. Because Tuesday I have class until late and was way too tired to do it yesterday. Whoops.
This is a bit late, but we didn't have any weekly updates last week, either, so I figured now is as good a time as any. Bottomguy announced that he moved to LA and got a job as a Disney Imagineer! I think we can all agree that sounds pretty awesome.
Game of the Week
There are things I like and dislike about this game. In general, it's well made- it's far from a bad RPGmaker game. For one thing, the details on the maps is pretty impressive. Whether you're on a mountain, by a river or in a castle, there are a lot of little things included in the setting. Whether it be birds and butterflies flitting about or little items strewn about a room. Then there are a few neat mechanics included, too, such as being able to jump over gaps or push objects out of the way (though you can only do this in specific instances).
Now, one thing that bugged me was the tutorial in the beginning. Some of the information was actually useful (such as knowing how and where to jump or push) and then some of it was extraneous and really slowed the game down a bit (collect coins, they're currency!) I also wasn't a fan of how quickly your PoV was changed. I find jumping from character to character in the beginning of games to be distracting to over all introduction to setting and story. Sometimes it's important to the story, but other times, you don't really need to see a character's back story unfold. It can be filled in later when the character is introduced further down the line.
The main thing that bugged me, though, was the friggin' font. That font is so hard to read. It was irritating me. For the same reason, I'm also not a fan of translucent text boxes. It just makes the dialogue and direction harder to read, guys. Don't do it. Mot that many of you make RPGmaker games anymore, but if you do, remember: Puffin doesn't like hard to read text, and he will whine about it.
Weekly Poll
What did we hear?
Mega Drive- 198XAD
What did we watch?
Monster; Rick and Morty;Straight Outta Compton; The Man from U.N.C.L.E.;Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders; Raising Hope; Arrow; Flash;
What did we read?
The Disneyland Story: The Unofficial Guide to the Evolution of Walt Disney's Dream; Mistborn;
MLP Friends Forever; The First Peoples - a documentary history of Native American history.
What did we play?
Dragon Age: Origins; Ragnarok Tactics; Castlevania: Symphony of the Night; Rocket League; Persona 4 Golden; Final Fantasy VII; Freedom Planet; Fallout New Vegas.