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The GDT v2

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#481 Xteven Xavier

Xteven Xavier

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 03:30 AM

Never seen that quote but that is exactly what I was getting at. It's cool you found a comic that so perfectly described what you were going through.
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#482 Monkeydog



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Posted 19 May 2014 - 02:23 PM

McDonald's new Happy Meal Mascot

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#483 legacyme3


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 03:31 PM



This is fucking terrifying.

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#484 Vicious Parker

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Posted 19 May 2014 - 05:23 PM

yes, it will encourage kids to eat healthier by scaring them away from mcdonalds...

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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

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#485 Puffin



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Posted 19 May 2014 - 05:35 PM

That really is the only reasonable answer. There is no way someone could look at that and think, "You know, I think we're really onto something. This is a great mascot." Unless their desire was to scare children.


And if that wasn't the point then, just... what?

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"Think we'll see a mummy?"


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#486 kspr


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 06:31 PM

a box with a face? what was their second idea?
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#487 legacyme3


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 11:54 PM

Keep in mind this is the same company that came up with Ronald McDonald.


He was terrifying too (who likes clowns?)

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#488 Donkeymog


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 05:18 AM

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I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

#489 kspr


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 12:15 PM

in older news, Polypore is up over $40. this is like when i sold my aig stock at $1.34

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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#490 panda


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Posted 24 May 2014 - 12:15 PM

Motivational posters are funny.  My boss has one of the Great Wall of China with the caption "Teamwork: Many Hands, Many Minds, One Goal" over his desk.  Whoever made that poster maybe didn't learn that hundreds of people died (or were killed to keep the details secret) per kilometer of the wall constructed.  It is said that each brick in the Great Wall represents one life given to build it.  Oh, and most of that labor was enslaved Chinese peasants.


Now I know I'll be killed at work.  How am I ever going to find job satisfaction with that hanging over me?

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#491 kspr


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 01:15 PM

where do you even work?

shooting the pilot for Damnit, Mummy tonight and tomorrow. there's a public access tv station ~5 miles away, so here goes!
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#492 panda


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 06:16 PM

A distribution warehouse. I load up a truck that makes deliveries of packages and stuff to aircraft companies. Every day I have to pack it floor to ceiling with each package going in a particular place. I'm certain those piles will just collapse on me someday.

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#493 lazlo falconi

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Posted 25 May 2014 - 07:32 PM

Maybe you should stack them better.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#494 legacyme3


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 07:48 AM

Anyone else ever have a dream that felt more real than real life does?


I had that experience last night/this morning, and now I can't get it out of my head.


I don't feel like clarifying beyond that.

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#495 Vicious Parker

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 07:51 AM

I rarely remember dreams, but when I do I sometimes get the feeling you're describing. Usually as the day goes on, the memories of the dream fade away, and days/weeks later I usually only have the vaguest memories of some of those dreams.

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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

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#496 Kamau



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:06 AM

The closest I've come to that is the occasion night terror - during which I actually do wake up, but part of me is still sleeping or something because I'll see scary things that aren't really there (like shadows curling towards me or giant spiders on the wall, or more recently, blood seeping down from nearby surfaces) and it'll make me jump up and run away, or start calling out for someone to turn on the lights to make the shadows go away if I can't get myself to move. 


Most of my dream recalls are like what you just described, VP. If I do remember them they're mostly clear in the morning, and they'll stay with me longer if I write them down, but otherwise they'll fade away. Sometimes I'll remember them the entire day but once I go to sleep it's like the next dream "overwrites" it and then I'll maybe remember a main point or two from there on out.

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#497 kspr


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:14 AM

real like a rob zombie drawing where you're aware of all the minutia of texture? or real like you're driving the car from irobot down a highway and crash into a wall even though you could really 'feel' the physical feedback? i woke up once convinced there was a lion in my bedroom, and i back up into the corner really fast before realizing it was a dream. 

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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#498 Xteven Xavier

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 12:40 PM

I sometimes get those, not as much recently, I've been trying to practice dream walking recently, aka lucid dreaming. It's only worked once so far, but it's kinda cool.
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#499 SpazCat



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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:25 PM

Anyone else ever have a dream that felt more real than real life does?


I had that experience last night/this morning, and now I can't get it out of my head.


I don't feel like clarifying beyond that.



I had this happen about 6 months back. It shook me to the core. It felt so real that when I woke I was almost convinced that the dream I had was reality and what I was experiencing at that moment was a dream. 


I can still remember details of it that freak me out. All of my senses were involved. In normal dreams I get by with sight & sound. This one had everything. I could feel the breeze, hear random birds, and even taste. Due to the context of this dream I kept it to myself. It scares me that anything like what I experienced is in my mind.

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#500 legacyme3


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 04:28 PM

I had this happen about 6 months back. It shook me to the core. It felt so real that when I woke I was almost convinced that the dream I had was reality and what I was experiencing at that moment was a dream. 


I can still remember details of it that freak me out. All of my senses were involved. In normal dreams I get by with sight & sound. This one had everything. I could feel the breeze, hear random birds, and even taste. Due to the context of this dream I kept it to myself. It scares me that anything like what I experienced is in my mind.


This is closest to what I'm trying to describe.


This morning I awoke absolutely paralyzed, worried that what happened in the dream was real. I immediately went about confirming my reality, and figuring out what was real and what was not. It was an absolutely ugly day for me.

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

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