Posted 14 October 2012 - 04:34 PM
Per Glaciermage
-At the very beginning you see Kasper in his home, it fades to black, and then fades back to Kasper. I just figured the original view of Kasper was a mistake, and you wanted it to open fading from black to Kasper. FIXED!
-Grammar Police! In Kasper's letter he says "They've become to comfortable..." It should be "They've become too comfortable..." Sorry. I hate ppl that correct grammar and spelling. :) FIXED!
-In Kasper's home there are a few minor map errors. For instance, I can walk on the stove and thru the armor or whatever that is in the upper left.FIXED!
-I ended up fighting the waiter 3 times. Is this how it is supposd to be? Felt like I was stuck in some sort of loop.
-You must have done something strange. I couldn't figure out how to trigger the fight three times.
-In the mansion you can walk thru the statue behind Lord Darlington and then walk up the wall. You can also do this on the other side by the other stairwell. FIXED!
-I'm using a custom tileset for most of the maps, which means I have to go in by hand and determine all the passability and priority of the tiles individually. Sometimes things get overlooked.
-The shields and sword at the top of the stairs, as well as the biscuits in Madame Paulsen's room show up above Kasper's head when you walk below them, as if they are floating in air.
-The table has a priority on the top half so people can stand behind them. the swords and shields are meant to go up on a wall, i think, but nonethelessFIXED!
-This is just a side point but... why would a waiter give another waiter a fancy necklace to give to madame paulsen? I figured he would be bringing some sort of food to her.
-Because as you're experiencing an event, and no matter how unlikely, you will proceed to the next sequence of events, and then have to improvise your way through. No matter what, for everything in your life up until this point to have happened, it would have had to have happened in the exact same way it did, regardless of how much you understood the circumstances, or how much it made sense. There are just certain things that you will never understand, because of the millions of intersecting points of variation that occur between every object, person, and animal. (I didn't mean to sound like a jerk there, but that's the best way i can articulate it)
-After breaking out of Madame Paulsen's room in glorious fashion, you can go back in to her room. It's all messed up in there. The guards are just standing around, and the door doesn't work. You actually have to go back to where you were when you escaped and start the event over. A switch outside the room where he says something like "I shouldn't go back in there" would do the trick.
-I had this in place, but I moved it further to the left so you now start your escape in front of the tiles. when you touch them, you are turned back in the right direction.
-This may not be anything, but The rock, who was awesome btw, says "taken a turn for the worst." Is this how it is supposed to be? It is normally "taken a turn for the worse" but the rock could be making a clever play on the phrase. The Rock seems to be the type o guy to do something like that. :)
-After re-reading it, it makes sense the way you explained it, but also the worst that could have happened, would for him to have become a rock and left in a cave for all eternity. You may have been trained to read and write in a gramatically correct way, but nobody speaks like that 100% of the time.
Chapter 1: Villageburg:
-You can step into the wall on the right behind Kasper's house. You can also walk all over the front of Kasper's house.
-That was from the passability of the surrounding tiles from the roof. i put some stuff in the way so you can't get on the wall, but I couldn't figure out what was making it possible to walk on the front of the house, so I put wood in front of it. it's only on the left side too...
-You can walk thru the side wall in between the horses and the tulips by the mansion.FIXED!
-In the house that you break into you walk over the bed instead of thru it.
-I wouldn't break into a stranger's house and get under their blankets, would you? When I finish the redraw of the tilesets, i'll adjust it so that only the one part of the bed that your head would be over is in a tile by itself. that way it looks like you're under the covers.
-In the House of Style you can walk thru the window in the upper right and into the wall. Also, I said no to the purple window and it gave them to me anyway.FIXED!
you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger.