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Arbor's Eve - Page 10 - Grove of Game Making and General Programming - Monkey Productions

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Arbor's Eve

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#181 kspr


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Posted 23 December 2012 - 02:45 PM

started the exterior tileset. here's a tree. it was a pain.
Posted Image

and this is how trees blossom into.... um trees.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#182 kspr


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 08:59 AM

im kinda dissappointed with third place, but i know it's not for nothing. what can i do to make the game better? i know i have to test more, and im way behind my nonexistent dev schedule. what else would make it better?
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#183 Glaciermage


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 09:41 AM

I'll say I didn't vote for your game, LC. But it has nothing to do with your game. There are just a number of projects around here that are so great, and are a little further along in development, or are slightly more polished than Arbor's Eve atm. I think Arbor's Eve has a great story line and great dialogue and music and gfx (once they are implemented.) I think if you just put in some of the tedious work and make sure there aren't any small flaws like map errors or other tiny bugs, then anticipation will rise greatly. I once again offer my help if there's any tedious work you'd like to pass off, or if u just need another set of eyes.

But once Arbor's Eve is done it will be one of MonkeyPro's greatest achievements.
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Old flash signature has been revived for nostalgic purposes. Too bad RpgWizard hasn't been revived. :\

#184 lazlo falconi

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 09:49 PM

I'm fairly certain I voted for you, but it was a toss-up between Arbor's Eve and Starless Umbra. I don't think it's anything wrong with your game, just that Starless Umbra and Pokemon Reborn are closer to completion, (Or is PR finished already?) and Among Thieves just has a lot of hype for it, while Arbor's Eve has been in sort of a slowly chugging along, making improvements phase right now, with nothing big to really bolster attention.

And I don't think any of that is a problem. Those are four great games, and together they all came in the top three. I also suspect that Tau might have cheated (Just kidding!) but really, you're making an awesome game and shouldn't change it for anything.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#185 kspr


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 10:10 PM

im not going to change anything, im just looking for "better"

like there's stuff i see in it, but because i see it, i don't see what other people see. make sense?

i know ive been a pretty deadbeat dad to it, and i gotta get back into the actual game, and stop spending so much time with its stepmom, Ms. Tileset. blech. i have a disgusting amount of unneccesary hobbies that distract from dev.

dev? like im some kind of big time fucking operator. it's disgusting. you know what's missing? respect. i'm gonna take my kids to the zoo tomorrow, and when they ask to go on the paddleboats, i'll take em. i havent done an in-program marathon since it was a bullshit project to distract me from how sucky highschool was... so that's happening.

edit: not to sound like a whiney bitch, but this post put me in the exact right place to write more. i really forgot about all the angst that went into even trying something as isolating as rpg maker, and how theraputic it is. the next demo will be a mini, but it will be POWERFUL.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#186 lazlo falconi

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 09:47 AM

Spending so much time on the tilesets isn't a bad thing, it definitely gives the game a unique look that will help set it apart from all the other RPGmaker games when the time comes.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#187 kspr


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 08:49 PM

BAM! Hexapus:

Posted Image

and i'm working on two versions of the mini demo- Quantum Suicide/Eternal Enlistment. both are branches that are determined by who dies, without spoiling what switches cause it.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#188 Monkeydog



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Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:07 PM

/>BAM! Hexapus:

Posted Image

I was going to mention in response to your post asking what should you do different that I was mostly excited for your game whenever you posted monsters. I don't know why but it did.

I also kind of avoided ever playing any of the demos besides one of your first ones. Because 1) I'm too lazy for demos and 2) The first demo I ever tried was broken, and the last time you posted a demo it sounded broken, which unless your point is to have us help beta test with every demo, it's a bit off putting if I can't actually complete the demos.

Anyways, I promise to play the next demo. And I like your monster (s).
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#189 kspr


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:38 PM

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image<---(it's a dirty sock)


the next time i put a demo out, i promise it will be workable. i'm tired of being too lazy to test, and putting out garbage demos.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#190 kspr


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:23 AM

how do you feel about metacontent?
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#191 lazlo falconi

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:02 AM

Enough to ask you to tell me more.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#192 kspr


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:15 AM

the guy who works at the teleportation station mixing teleport potion bases (like broth for soup) forgot to charge his return sigil before jumping into a portal (the only real way to test them) he took a picture with his insta-postcard camera, and paid a sailor aboard a passing mailship to deliver it back to his boss, Torquisha, in Villageburg.


edit: first big battle(s) is going to happen. i was hoping never to have to make battlecharsets, but it looks like i'll die disappointed. i hope it's as balls as i'm picturing it in my head.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#193 kspr


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 06:31 AM

i have a general idea of what i want the next few areas to look like, i'm just having a hard time translating it into a map. i really am working on it though. i'm realizing that all my outdoor dungeons are just mazes, and i'm trying to get past that for the next few.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#194 Glaciermage


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 07:21 AM

I didn't check the spoiler cuz I want to be surprised when i play the game. Also, how far are you planning on going before you release somethign? Are you close to finishing the storyline at this point, or is there a ways to go?
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Old flash signature has been revived for nostalgic purposes. Too bad RpgWizard hasn't been revived. :\

#195 kspr


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 07:47 AM

i'm planning on the next demo being a mini with this island being the setting. there are three groups of inhabitants, only two of which can be sustained by the island(as commanded by the great clam spirit). the player, a killer robot driving instructor, and a talking pie have a heart wrenching decision to make: which tribes live, and which one dies. there is a forested swamp area, a hollow mountain, a prairie, and a tower planned for this demo. after that there is a big town, a sewer, a temple, a canyon, a desert, and a secret final dungeon that's only unlockable if you satisfy the conditions to get the best ending.

aside from that, i have to finish the hunting lodge storyline, and tie up all the loose ends of things that are suggested to be happening through other characters and background info.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#196 kspr


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 08:16 AM

This is a WIP of the river delta, drained by the grassland tribe in order to facilitate the forbidden swamp. the river was diverted into two smaller streams to allow the grassland to dry, and the delta to become a fertile farmland. The Keptie Swamp tribe appeared in the area before they could start farming, and have hostile towards anyone invading their territory

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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#197 kspr


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:36 AM

Delta progress Posted Image

Posted Image

i also found a neat script that might help me save a lot of lag on a large scale sequence, so i'll give it a try.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#198 kspr


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:12 AM

i'm actually a lot closer to being done than i think i am. this river delta that i'm working on is sort of at the same point as Deep Darkness from Earthbound. by now the main antagonist has shown up, but you're not really sure what It's up to, since it escaped mind control and raced out of It's fight.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#199 lazlo falconi

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 01:26 PM

It's looking good. Are you still planning on releasing a demo soon?
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#200 kspr


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Posted 30 January 2013 - 06:37 PM

i just finished the map for the river delta, so probably around early march.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

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