Yeah, that's right, Weekly Updates. Because even though the forums are kinda dead, this may have been the most active Monkey Pro week in the history of the site. Didn't this used to arbitrarily be on Tuesdays? Yes. Don't worry about it. Does this mean we'll start regular updates again? Yeah probably not. Being Monkeypro and all that.
So what shenanigans actually happened at Monkey Con? (Pictures taken by Kamau, used without permission or shame)
Board games. Lots and lots of board games.
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(Featuring: Spazcat, Beesknees, Vicious Parker, MonkeyDog, Stars, toysintheattic, Xteven Xavier)
Getting lost in the woods (And having several random dogs come out of no where)
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(Featuring: Vicious Parker, Stargazer, Beesknees, MonkeyDog, Puffin, Stars and toysintheattic)
Lounging and general lethargy (wouldn't be MonkeyPro without it)
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(Featuring: Amethyst, Puffin)
Some of the longest tasting hot dogs ever.
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(Featuring: Hot Dogs, condiments)
And just general happiness and good will.
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(Featuring: Everybody, la de doe de doe)
And while I would love to give member of the week to everybody who went, there were two people who put their heart and souls in to this event, and really made it happen. While I can only put one on the front page, I'll do both here.
Member of the Week #1
While it's obvious that there would be no MonkeyPro, and therefore no MonkeyCon, without MonkeyDog, that would be a discredit to his awesomeness to not say that again. There would have been no MonkeyCon without MonkeyDog. Not least of all because he paid for the lodging, but he made sure there was plenty of food (perhaps a bit too much), helped give people rides to and fro, and made sure that we all had plenty to do to keep us from actually having to confront the reality of our situation: That a bunch of relative strangers agreed to spend a week together in a cabin in the mountains. Monkey, you are truly member of the year every year, this year most of all. Thank you so much for everything you did.
Member of the Week #2
Bee may not be a regular member of our fair forums, but there is no question that she was a major part in making sure MonkeyCon went well. Perhaps the most obvious way is that she kept her composure while trying to socialize with several of her boyfriends creepy internet friends. I also suspect that without a shoulder to lean on, MonkeyDog may have gone crazy trying to organize this whole thing.
I'm probably waaay underselling the effort these two put in to this event, because I honestly don't know much it might actually be. All I know is that I am eternally grateful to both of you.
That's all I've got for this week. No, I didn't change the game of the week because... Well, I didn't play a game and am not really planning on it. See you again in nine months or something.