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#41 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 11:07 AM

Undoubtedly some people who say they can go won't, and some who are saying they can't or haven't even seen this thread might want to go. Hell, Billy's on my way down and he might tag along if there's room. (Probably not though)
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#42 Monkeydog



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Posted 09 June 2015 - 11:11 AM

Undoubtedly some people who say they can go won't, and some who are saying they can't or haven't even seen this thread might want to go. Hell, Billy's on my way down and he might tag along if there's room. (Probably not though)

Billy is already signed up. :P

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#43 legacyme3


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 01:55 AM

I'd love to go one year, but financially just not possible this year. And with my girlfriend flying in next week (and staying at my place for the summer), I can't run off and ditch her anyway.


Hopefully next year. Have fun everyone!

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#44 Puffin



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 02:36 AM

Legacy, you do know that MP-con is next year, right? It's July 2016, not 2015.

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"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

#45 SpazCat



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 07:28 AM

BG kinda made that same mistake too. I just game him the link to the thread. I could have done better with explaining the dates. He's still likely to not go, but I did mention the more posting thing. He simply said, "Bah!"

Make of that what you will.
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#46 legacyme3


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 12:29 PM

Legacy, you do know that MP-con is next year, right? It's July 2016, not 2015.


Wow. How'd I miss the year on the post?


Maybe it's possible then. Woops.


I guess I figured with it being JULY next month, that it would be next month, not a year and month away.

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#47 Kamau



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 03:27 PM

Well that was the original plan, but we saw sense and moved it forward a year XD 

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#48 legacyme3


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:15 PM

I signed up as possibly. If I do go, it will likely be with my girlfriend, although that itself may not happen.


Maybe I go, and finally meet these faceless internet peoples.

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Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#49 SpazCat



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:38 PM

I have totally posted a picture of my face in the Pictures Topic.

(I'm on my phone...)
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#50 Amethyst


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 08:49 PM

Amtrak. Interesting. All right, count me in. 

...Hopefully I pop by here (in)frequently enough that I'm not totally out of the loop.

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~--crystals of ice grow like ivy through rusted heart never knew it might breathe--~

#51 Monkeydog



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 09:16 PM

Amtrak. Interesting. All right, count me in. 

...Hopefully I pop by here (in)frequently enough that I'm not totally out of the loop.

Just be sure to come back in a year and you'll be golden. 

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#52 Stars



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Posted 12 June 2015 - 07:07 PM

So I was reviewing the topic for StarCon '14, and I was reminded that Legacy has to attend MP-Con '16 so that we can feed him fried zucchini.


And also so I can eat more fried zucchini. Naturally.

  • 0

* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#53 SpazCat



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Posted 12 June 2015 - 07:33 PM

I'll be sure to make some. :)
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#54 Donkeymog


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 01:52 AM

Nobody in England calls zucchini 'zucchini' and it infuriates me no end. Let me google what they call it, it's something weird... 'courgette'. What the hell is with that? Some people don't even know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about zucchini and it makes me sad.

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I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

#55 Stars



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Posted 13 June 2015 - 05:20 AM

Nobody in England calls zucchini 'zucchini' and it infuriates me no end. Let me google what they call it, it's something weird... 'courgette'. What the hell is with that? Some people don't even know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about zucchini and it makes me sad.

Apparently it's taken from French? Iono. Zucchini is zucchini.

  • 0

* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#56 SpazCat



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Posted 13 June 2015 - 07:34 AM

Referred to as 'baby marrows'. This is hilarious. The pronunciation is awesome too. That would make me mad also. However, how often does zucchini come up in conversation?

Either way, I plan on making some fried zucchini slices. Should I make that pesto dip too Stars?
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#57 Stars



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Posted 13 June 2015 - 08:05 AM

Most definitely.
  • 0

* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#58 SpazCat



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Posted 25 June 2015 - 06:59 AM

Just a friendly reminder that there are 5 days left to sign up for this. Even if you're not certain you'll be going putting you name down couldn't hurt!

Also, if you haven't already, please be sure to place your votes for the locations! Link is on the first post.

Still super excited for this!!!!
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#59 Puffin



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 05:24 AM

Today's the last day, so if there is anyone else who may be on the fence, now's the time to sign up if you're gonna do it! The same goes for voting on location- there's quite a few people who have yet to vote (so far, location C is winning by five points). You can vote by clicking on the tab labeled 'location' toward the lower left corner of the google doc.


Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna switch the google doc to view only. That way, we don't get any late sign ups. If someone decides after that point that they can't come, PM me and I'll take you off the list. This is also to ensure that it's that person themselves who requests the change, and it'll generally make keeping track of the waiting list easier. This is the same for significant others! They take up space, after all, so if you learn your SO can't come after all, don't just leave them on the list under 'possibly', cuz that space could go to another MP member.


Speaking of the waiting list, I've highlighted members who are currently on it in light blue (by location C standards, if another location suddenly pulls ahead, I'll edit accordingly). Unless I miscounted (in which case, please feel free to correct it), the list should start with Amethyst.

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"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

#60 Puffin



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Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:20 PM

Edited the sign up sheet at Monkey's recommendation. The sign up sheet has been split up into two pages, the first page will now only display people who are confirmed as 'definitely', all the most likely's, possibly's and maybe's have been put onto the waiting list. This leaves us with 15 people listed as 'going' currently, which means there's a vacancy of 9 spots. So, if anyone wants to change their possibly to a definitely, you can, just fill your name onto the first sheet, and delete it from the second sheet (just keep in mind that we have a limit of 24).


If you yourself will definitely be coming, but your significant other is listed as a possibly, they'll still be counted as 'going'- so if you find out they can't go, please remove them and replace the space with a 'no'. (note that this doesn't extend to SO's who are members, they're counted separately from you).


In addition to that, if you sign up as definitely, but then some time in the future you find that you can't go after all because of money/school/work/some other foreseeable reason, you can cancel. Just, you know, don't wait to do so. Notify someone ASAP.

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"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

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