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Godspeed are back!

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#21 Stars


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Posted 08 December 2010 - 07:35 AM

Oh well, at least I got Decemberists tickets.
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#22 Donkeymog


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Posted 13 December 2010 - 05:33 PM

Holy smokes people. Seriously bad-ass. My mind has been blown.
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#23 Monkeydog



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 10:26 PM

So jealous.
So very jealous.
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#24 Donkeymog


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 08:46 PM

So has anybody else gotten round to seeing them yet? I've seen them twice now. They're incredible, even after all this time. Nothing else like them.
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#25 Donkeymog


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 01:45 AM

New album announced - it's called "'ALLELUJAH! DON'T BEND! ASCEND!"

From thee Constellation webpage:

We are proud to announce the first new recordings by Godspeed You! Black Emperor in a decade. Featuring two twenty-minute slabs of epic instrumental rock music and two six-and-a-half minute drones, ‘ALLELUJAH! DON’T BEND! ASCEND! provides soaring, shining proof of the band’s powerful return to form.

Having emerged from hiatus at the end of 2010, GYBE picked up right where they left off, immediately re-capturing the sound and material that had fallen dormant in 2003 and driving it forward with every show of their extensive touring over the last 18 months. The new album presents the fruits of that labour: evolved and definitive versions of two huge compositions previously known to fans as “Albanian” and “Gamelan”, now properly titled as “MLADIC” and “WE DRIFT LIKE WORRIED FIRE” respectively. Accompanied by the new drones (stitched into the album sequence on CD; cut separately on their own 7″ for the LP version), GYBE have offered up a fifth album that we feel is as absolutely vital, virulent, honest and heavy as anything in their discography.

We don’t have much time for mythology, but we’d be lying if we said the return of Godspeed You! Black Emperor in 2010 didn’t signify a whole lot to us as a marker from which to look back on the past decade, to reflect on what’s been gained or lost within the confines of independent music culture and what’s been gained or lost in the socio-political landscape writ large. Godspeed’s music will do that to you. It is music that bears witness to, channels and transforms this predominantly terrible, infuriating, venal and nihilistically sad story we’re all living, sharing, resisting, protesting, deconstructing and trying to change for the better. We think GYBE has once again provided a uniquely moving and compelling soundtrack for these acts of analysis, defiance and ascension.

* * *

Hard to believe a full decade has passed since the release of Yanqui U.X.O., the last album by GYBE. Never a band to care for conventional industry wisdom, Yanqui was released shortly before xmas 2003 with little publicity and no press availability, no marketing plans or cross-promotions or brand synergies, with back cover artwork tracing the inextricable links between major music labels and the military-industrial complex. Driven by word-of-mouth from a passionate and committed fanbase galvanized by the group's sonic vision and its dedication to unmediated, unsullied musical communication, the album found it's rightful audience.

To suggest that such simple principles and goals have become harder to maintain and enact a decade later is an understatement. For all the contents and discontents – for all the "content" – of our present cultural moment, the idea of circumventing the glare of exposure, the massaging of media cycles and the calculus of identity management appears quaint, if not futile.

But Godspeed is looking to try all the same. The band wants people to care about this new album, without telling people they should or talking about themselves. They want to hold on to some part of that energy that comes with the thrill of anonymous discovery and unmediated transmission, knowing full well that these days, anti-strategy risks being tagged as a strategy, non-marketing framed as its opposite, and deeply held principles they consider fundamental to health as likely to be interpreted as just another form of stealth.

Truly, thanks for being open to hearing it.

Apparently it's already on sale at their shows so a fair few people already have copies. Leak should turn up very soon. I'm literally going to sit here and keep refreshing until it appears.
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#26 Monkeydog



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Posted 02 October 2012 - 09:35 AM

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#27 Donkeymog


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 03:43 PM

This is really weird - Godspeed's Efrim being interviewed by a puppet and kids dancing to Rocket Falls on Rocket Falls:

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#28 Donkeymog


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:49 PM


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#29 Donkeymog


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 02:30 AM



hello kanada.
hello kanadian music-writers.


thanks for the nomination thanks for the prize- it feels nice to be acknowledged by the Troubled Motherland when we so often feel orphaned here. and much respect for all y’all who write about local bands, who blow that horn loudly- because that trumpeting is crucial and necessary and important.


and much respect to the freelancers especially, because freelancing is a hard fucking gig, and almost all of us are freelancers now, right? falling and scrambling and hustling through these difficult times?

so yes, we are grateful, and yes we are humble and we are shy to complain when we’ve been acknowledged thusly- BUT HOLY SHIT AND HOLY COW- we’ve been plowing our field on the margins of weird culture for almost 20 years now, and “this scene is pretty cool but what it really fucking needs is an awards show” is not a thought that’s ever crossed our minds.


3 quick bullet-points that almost anybody could agree on maybe=

-holding a gala during a time of austerity and normalized decline is a weird thing to do.

-organizing a gala just so musicians can compete against each other for a novelty-sized cheque doesn’t serve the cause of righteous music at all.

-asking the toyota motor company to help cover the tab for that gala, during a summer where the melting northern ice caps are live-streaming on the internet, IS FUCKING INSANE, and comes across as tone-deaf to the current horrifying malaise.


these are hard times for everybody. and musicians’ blues are pretty low on the list of things in need of urgent correction BUT AND BUT if the point of this prize and party is acknowledging music-labor performed in the name of something other than quick money, well then maybe the next celebration should happen in a cruddier hall, without the corporate banners and culture overlords. and maybe a party thusly is long overdue- it would be truly nice to enjoy that hang, somewhere sometime where the point wasn’t just lazy money patting itself on the back.


give the money to the kids let ‘em put on their own goddamn parties, give the money to the olds and let them try to write opuses in spite of, but let the muchmusic videostars fight it out in the inconsequential middle, without gov’t. culture-money in their pockets.


us we’re gonna use the money to try to set up a program so that prisoners in quebec have musical instruments if they need them…

amen and amen.


apologies for being such bores,

we love you so much / our country is fucked,

godspeed you! black emperor

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#30 Donkeymog


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 02:42 AM


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#31 Donkeymog


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Posted 24 February 2015 - 10:41 AM

Godspeed are black again! New album comes out at the end of March. Here's an excerpt from the first track:

Sounds a bit shit. Didn't really like their last album much either, but still probably worth a listen.


More info.

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#32 toysintheattic


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 03:17 AM

I thought their last album had a couple awesome tracks, and a couple of meh tracks. It's been a while since I've gave it a listen, though.


I'd love for Godspeed to come back and just destroy an album with all new material, but yeah, I donno. That excerpt didn't do much for me, either.

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#33 Donkeymog


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 06:50 AM

Yeah, I actually re-listened to Allelujah after posting and found I enjoyed it a lot more than I remembered.

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I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

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