This will be the secretest of Santas as no one will see this post.
Copy paste from last year:
- Sign up by November 18th. We'll pick people on the 19th.
- No suggested maximum. Although I'd suggest a minimum of $20. It doesn't really matter if you hit the minimum or not, the thought is what counts.
- Send out your item by 12/16. It's best if you send out your item as early as possible so everyone gets their presents before Christmas.
- Write up what you want or what you like before the 18th and I'll add it to this thread so your Secret Santa can get an idea of what to get you.
- Send me your address and email via PM/Slack so I don't have to look for it or send someone something that is out of date. Do this immediately please and thank you.
- Tell me if you are already going to get a gift for a member who is signed up/might sign up so you don't get picked together.
- Monkeydog
- Bee
- Lazlo
- Hyperlisk
- Tiffany
- Xteven Xavier
- Kamau
- Puffin
- Vicious Parker
- Spazcat
- Toysintheattic
- Legacy