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Secret Santa 2016 - Hall of Announcements - Monkey Productions

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Secret Santa 2016

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21 replies to this topic

#1 Monkeydog



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Posted 01 November 2016 - 06:30 PM

This will be the secretest of Santas as no one will see this post.


Copy paste from last year:



  • Sign up by November 18th. We'll pick people on the 19th.
  • No suggested maximum. Although I'd suggest a minimum of $20. It doesn't really matter if you hit the minimum or not, the thought is what counts.
  • Send out your item by 12/16. It's best if you send out your item as early as possible so everyone gets their presents before Christmas.
  • Write up what you want or what you like before the 18th and I'll add it to this thread so your Secret Santa can get an idea of what to get you.
  • Send me your address and email via PM/Slack so I don't have to look for it or send someone something that is out of date. Do this immediately please and thank you.
  • Tell me if you are already going to get a gift for a member who is signed up/might sign up so you don't get picked together.


  • Monkeydog
  • Bee
  • Lazlo
  • Hyperlisk
  • Tiffany
  • Xteven Xavier
  • Kamau
  • Puffin
  • Vicious Parker
  • Spazcat
  • Toysintheattic
  • Legacy

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#2 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 01 November 2016 - 06:36 PM

I'll do it. Wish list to come later. Also remember when the maximum was $20? We come a long way, baby.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#3 Stars



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Posted 01 November 2016 - 07:49 PM

I want to do the thing!

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* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#4 Kamau



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Posted 02 November 2016 - 05:57 AM

Me! I'm in! 


Gift ideas (WIP, will update as I think of things):

  • Books
    • girls masquerading as boys in pretty much any genre (I already own the Bloody Jack novels, but things like that are great!) 
    • Tamora Pierce's Lionness quartet 
    • books with strong female leads
  • Gift Cards (Amazon, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble)
  • A really nice Mancala set (I like wood and colored glass...)
  • Random Amazon List

Random things that I like:

  • Star Wars
  • Cool playing cards
  • Disney
  • Coasters



I'm trying to think of new-house related things to add here but it's tougher than I thought since I don't know what we need yet...


As for the address thing I originally mentioned, we won't officially be moving out until the end of December so as long as gifts are indeed sent out to be received before Christmas we should be fine. 

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#5 Puffin



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Posted 02 November 2016 - 10:43 AM

I'm in!



Steam or Amazon gift cards
Interesting flavored black teas, spices, or honey.

Pirate, faerie or Celtic related stuff, especially if it happens to be pretty and well designed.
I'd also be cool with some fantasy/adventure books.

Dice for DnD! Like, cool or unusual dice (think multicolored, translucent, metal or patterned). I usually prefer shades of red, black, burgundy, gold, ect.


Art supplies:

Windsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic paint

(burnt sienna, burnt umber, cadmium red, alazirin red, ultramarine blue, titanium white, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow)

Weber wOil water mixable artist oil colors

(applicable colors: yellow ochre, french ultramarine blue, cadmium red, cadmium yellow, titanium white, burnt umber, burnt sienna)

Alternative brands: Winsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable Oil Colors; Grumbacher Max Artists' Water Miscible Oil Colors.

Faber-Castell PITT artist pens

Sizes: XS; S; F; M; B

  • 0

"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

#6 SpazCat



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Posted 03 November 2016 - 06:27 AM

VP and I are in.

Spaz Gift Ideas:


  • Charms and key chains. Crystals, Pokemon, Chibi Animals what have you - my keys are very lonely.
  • Anything from these shops: X Y Z
  • We have a ton of blankets, but you know what? I want another soft, plush, fuzzy blanket to cuddle with.
  • I enjoy anything lavender scented, candles, oils, incense, lotion, body wash, actual lavender plant...
  • Chocolate is always loved by me. All chocolate, but white, is loved by me.
  • Any gift card to these places: Target, Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond, Bath and Body Works, JCPenny, Kohls, Amazon.


I'll get VP to post his suggestions later on. If not I'll edit this post again. :)

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#7 legacyme3


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 08:26 PM

I think I can spare a dime this year (or at least 20 dollars worth of dimes).


Sign me up.


Also, I have an early Christmas gift for everyone. I am forced to use Slack for some reason by a third party unrelated to Monkey pro, so now I'm actually on it for better or worse.


So if you want me around, I can join you all (the email associated with the account is

  • 0

Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#8 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 04 November 2016 - 06:56 PM

 It's a November miracle!

  • 0


Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#9 Monkeydog



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Posted 20 November 2016 - 01:26 PM

Everyone should have their Secret Santa emails. If they're not in your inbox check your spam.


If you don't have it there's not much I can do because I fucked up and don't have logs. :/ So hopefully everything went out properly.


My wish list:

  • I like really weird and obscure board games. I have a ton though.
  • At the moment I'm trying to collect DS games, preferably with box/instructions. I have Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest IV/V/VI/IX, Final Fantasy IV, Magical Starsign, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, Radiant Historia, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Super Mario 64 DS, and Zelda Spirit Tracks. I also have Trauma Center: Under the Knife, Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, and Blue Dragon Plus without boxes (so it would be nice to have those).
  • I like Final Fantasy (particularly VI and IX), Persona, Studio Ghibli, Nintendo, Simpsons, Decemberists, Chrono Trigger, Megaman, Zelda...
  • I've been traveling a lot lately, and will be going to Japan next year. So maybe things relating to that would be good?
  • I would use gift cards to Amazon, Target, Google Play, Apple App Store, Costco.
  • If you need to just ask Bee.
  • Here's my Amazon Wishlist I don't really maintain (idk if you can see my other lists, but they're not relevant because I moved everything into that one huge list). 


Bee's wish list:

  • Amazon Wish List
  • In general if you get her something cute she'll be happy. She likes sewing, stationery, and candy.
  • If you need to just ask me.

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#10 SpazCat



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Posted 20 November 2016 - 02:55 PM

Super excited! Thanks for organizing this again MD!
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#11 Vicious Parker

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 03:42 PM

The usuals:


Amazon Wish List

Steam Wish List (Especially the controller carrying case :p )(though, this has been really short lately. It would be equally as effective to give me Steam fun bucks)

Nintendo eShop cards would be nice, too



See also:

I'll take your unwanted DS/3DS games.

I'm actually in desperate need of new t-shirts (size large), if you think you want to play dress up with me.

Legend of Zelda paraphernalia


Any Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books not listed on my wishlist that you think I should read

A blue ray copy of Children of Men


I'm generally easy to pleasy.

  • 0

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#12 legacyme3


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Posted 20 November 2016 - 07:32 PM

Amazon -

Steam  - http://steamcommunit...cyme3/wishlist/ (Anything beyond the top 10 is honestly kind of a disorganized mess, because I just don't have the time to go through it all, but I do want to get all of it eventually, when I'm a millionaire)


I generally like anything game related (like everybody else on this forum), and am still a massive fan of the TV Show Survivor (although now I'm an all-access subscriber, so I'm no longer collecting the DVDs). I also happen to be a big Red Sox fan, and love baseball.


I live in Southern California, so as nice as a hoodie collection would be, I don't think I need any.


In the off-chance you want to get me clothes (because why not give you as much to work with as possible to make things a surprise), my shirt size is XL, and my shorts/sweatpants size is M. 


Uhh, I don't know what else I like, but I like a lot of things.


I'm also pretty easy to please, the wishlist stuff is generally just a guideline, and I like surprises (provided they are the kind that makes sense, I'm not fond of getting a million paper bags in the mail, as it just serves me no purpose).

  • 0

Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

#13 Xteven Xavier

Xteven Xavier

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Posted 21 November 2016 - 07:23 AM

I forgot to post a wishlist. But I was in from Slack.


how about my amazon wishlist again.


as well as my steam wishlist again. http://steamcommunit...Runner/wishlist

plus any movies or games that you deem to be in your favorites. I figure if someone loves something than I have to give it a shot right?

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#14 Hyperlisk



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Posted 22 November 2016 - 01:55 PM

May be updated in the future (will post notice), but for now:

For me:
Yugioh cards
Hot cheetos
Rocket League (Steam)
Fast food gift cards

For Tiffany:
Movie theater gift card (AMC)
Anything Harry Potter
Dark or matte makeup
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#15 Stars



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Posted 23 November 2016 - 02:50 PM

Amazon Wish List: link


Gift Cards: Amazon, Playstation Store, GameStop, Puffin Art (contact her to set something up)


Random Stuff: I like Eevee and have no Eevee-related things. I lurve me some Earthbound. I like My Little Pony, but be aware that I already have quite a lot of Pony stuff. If you like to gift Amiibos, I've had my eye on Samus (armored) and Mega Man.


Beyond that I'm lacking in ideas for what to suggest, but I'll be happy with whatever you send me, whether it's a purchased item, money, or something you made.


If you need more info for something, just ask Puffin/Kamau/Spaz/Vicious to wheedle it out of me, and I'll pretend I don't know what they're doing.

  • 0

* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#16 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 08:40 PM

Oh yeah I forgot to post my wishlist!


Okay, so as with last year, anything that is unique to your or your location, or in some way special to you is always the best! 



But, I know that's kind of difficult and vague, so you can use my Amazon wish list, or my Steam wish list.


In general, anything pokemon related is a safe bet, too, puzzles and books and videos and oh jeez just buy me something you would like.

  • 0


Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#17 toysintheattic


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Posted 23 November 2016 - 11:56 PM

Oh hi people.


Basically what Lazlo said. I don't really know what I want, so just give me something you would like. 


Or I donno. I like video games. If there's something that looks cool and cheap, you know...I wouldn't complain if it was gifted to me.



The clothes idea isn't bad, if you can find a XXL shirt or something. Or any sort of nerd paraphernalia. Maybe there's a book you really think I should read? I keep hearing things about this Brandon Sanderson fellow, specifically Mistborn.


Sorry I'm a boring person. Gift cards are totally fine too or some kinda creative thing if you're into that.

  • 0

#18 Puffin



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 01:35 PM

My gift is gonna be late, sorry. :/ I won't be able to mail it until Monday because this week got away from me with all the business.

  • 0

"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

#19 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 07:49 PM

Hey Santees, check your mail on Tuesday and Wednesday (Unless you've already got your presents, then you need not apply)

  • 0


Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#20 legacyme3


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 02:00 AM

Hey, person I got a gift for. You don't know it's me, not yet, anyways, but the gift will supposedly be arriving Wednesday or Thursday. Sure hoping you enjoy it!


... I always hate when I ship to an address I've never shipped before, because it makes me paranoid that I missed something, and that it's going to be read wrong or I got the wrong address and it's just a bad time all around.


Please let me know if you get the package to ease my heart! 


Merry Christmas!

  • 0

Dropping down a well that time forgot
With scars that show that we care a lot
In the sky we dreamt like a juggernaut
Of the things we'd do and what we saught

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