The ones that don't matter:
No flaming: Flamming, without good reason, will put you on suspension for a week. If the behaviour continues after the suspension it will result in a full time ban.
No trolling: Same as flamming.
No spamming: No one word posts or random things like the word cookies a million times. Try to stay on the topic in the topic. Serious spamming will result in a warn, spamming in the serious chat may result in a ban.
No links to porn/warez/roms etc.: Do not try to post links to porn or hentai or anything too illegal. I have grown very lenient on this rule, but try not to push it.
Respect Staff: Do not try back talking the staff just because you disagree with them. If you disrespect the staff for a stupid reason, you may be banned.
Monkeydog - Head Administrator
Toysintheattic - Administrator
Hyperlisk - Administrator
Vicious Parker - Administrator
StarstormVGN - Administrator
Jehuty - Global Moderator
Puffin - Art Moderator
Do not abuse your signature: This means, no using HTML tags that will screw up the board, or putting huge images in it. Your sig will be removed, you will lose the power to have a sig for a week, and you will be warned.
No flaming: Flamming, without good reason, will put you on suspension for a week. If the behaviour continues after the suspension it will result in a full time ban.
No trolling: Same as flamming.
No spamming: No one word posts or random things like the word cookies a million times. Try to stay on the topic in the topic. Serious spamming will result in a warn, spamming in the serious chat may result in a ban.
No links to porn/warez/roms etc.: Do not try to post links to porn or hentai or anything too illegal. I have grown very lenient on this rule, but try not to push it.
Respect Staff: Do not try back talking the staff just because you disagree with them. If you disrespect the staff for a stupid reason, you may be banned.
Monkeydog - Head Administrator
Toysintheattic - Administrator
Hyperlisk - Administrator
Vicious Parker - Administrator
StarstormVGN - Administrator
Jehuty - Global Moderator
Puffin - Art Moderator
Do not abuse your signature: This means, no using HTML tags that will screw up the board, or putting huge images in it. Your sig will be removed, you will lose the power to have a sig for a week, and you will be warned.
Golden Rule: Don't tick me off.
Edited by Monkeydog, 27 December 2013 - 01:13 PM.