This is your annual reminder to login to the forums.
- Sign up by November 16th. We'll pick people on the 18th or 19th (matters on when I'm home).
- Just get someone a nice gift, the thought is what counts.
- Send out your item by 12/14, or whenever, I'm not the mail man. It's best if you send out your item as early as possible so everyone gets their presents before Christmas.
- Write up what you want or what you like before the 16th in this topic so your GGP has an idea on what to get you.
- Send me your address and email via PM/Slack immediately so I don't have to look for it or send someone something that is out of date. Do this immediately please and thank you. Even if I have all your information from last year.
- Tell me if you are already going to get a gift for a member who is signed up/might sign up so you don't get picked together.
- Monkeydog
- Bee
- Kamau
- Puffin
- Stars
- Vicious Parker
- Spaz
- BottomGuy
- Victor
- Jeremy