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Secret Santa 2017 - Hall of Announcements - Monkey Productions

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Secret Santa 2017

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14 replies to this topic

#1 Monkeydog



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Posted 22 October 2017 - 05:58 PM

This will be even secreter than last year.

  • Sign up by November 17th. We'll pick people on the 18th or 19th (matters on when I'm home).
  • Just get someone a nice gift, the thought is what counts.
  • Send out your item by 12/15. It's best if you send out your item as early as possible so everyone gets their presents before Christmas.
  • Write up what you want or what you like before the 17th in this topic.
  • Send me your address and email via PM/Slack immediately so I don't have to look for it or send someone something that is out of date. Do this immediately please and thank you. Even if I have all your information from last year.
  • Tell me if you are already going to get a gift for a member who is signed up/might sign up so you don't get picked together.


  • Monkeydog
  • Bee
  • Kamau
  • Stars
  • Amethyst
  • Hyperlisk
  • Tiffany (Hyperlisk's wife)
  • Xteven
  • BottomGuy
  • Spaz
  • Vicious Parker
  • Panda
  • Rose (VP+Spaz's daughter)
  • Lily (VP+Spaz's daughter)
  • Puffin

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#2 Xteven Xavier

Xteven Xavier

    Oh my GAWD!! so gay.

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Posted 23 October 2017 - 09:52 PM

I am in, despite my lack of presence on Slack I super miss conversing with you guys, I just don't use my phone very much.

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#3 Monkeydog



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Posted 24 October 2017 - 03:30 PM

I am in, despite my lack of presence on Slack I super miss conversing with you guys, I just don't use my phone very much.

You know Slack is for computers too, right?

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#4 Xteven Xavier

Xteven Xavier

    Oh my GAWD!! so gay.

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Posted 26 October 2017 - 05:04 AM

I never thought of that. shit.

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#5 SpazCat



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Posted 13 November 2017 - 11:21 AM


  • Charms and key chains. Crystals, Pokemon, Chibi Animals, what have you - my keys are very lonely.
  • Soft, fuzzy, plush pillow(s).
  • I enjoy anything lavender scented, candles, oils, incense, lotion, body wash, actual lavender plant...
  • Chocolate is always loved by me. All chocolate, but white, is loved by me.
  • Any gift card to these places: Target, Bath and Body Works, or Amazon.
  • Headphones (not earbuds).
  • Microfiber cloths.
  • Bandanna(s) - I like to put my hair up when I cook/clean.
  • I have lots of blankets, but hey - I will never not love another one.


Rose (Ranger):


  • Pink, soft, plush, fuzzy blanket to cuddle with.
  • PlayDoh
  • Legos
  • Anything related to Hatchimals, Shopkins, MInecraft, Dinotrux, or My Little Pony.
  • Books (preferably informational ones; animals, cosmos, rock, and plant life related are a safe bet).
  • Jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, crowns/tiaras. Best to stay away from rings/earrings.)
  • Rocks (like geodes, gemstones, or excavation like sets).
  • Chalk
  • Socks (Size Small Girls or 7T)
  • AA Batteries to use in her massive collection of noise making toys.
  • Water Beads
  • Candy - anything is fair game -excludes butterscotch or coffee flavored items.


Lily (StarGazer):


  • Pink, soft, plush, fuzzy blanket to cuddle with.
  • PlayDoh
  • Coloring Books
  • Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils
  • Anything Hatchimal or Minecraft, Minion related
  • Stuffed Animals (Giraffes, puppies, kitties are best)
  • Kid jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, crowns/tiaras. Best to stay away from rings/earrings.)
  • Chalk
  • Socks (Size 4T)
  • Bouncy Balls
  • Candy - anything is fair game -excludes butterscotch or coffee flavored items.




The girls wanted a cool nickname like mom and dad. Haha!


VP will post his list later, otherwise I will edit this post accordingly.

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#6 Kamau



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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:31 PM

Ahhh the annual "what do I want for Christmas??" dilemma


Random ideas as I think of them:

  • cool, sturdy water bottle (I keep dropping mine and breaking them...). I'm interested in one that fits comfortably in my cup holder while simultaneously being interested in one that tracks how much water I've drank. I have no idea if such a thing exists that fits both together. 
  • Tomb Raider comic books 
  • Similarly, here's an Amazon list of some other book ideas
  • Jigsaw puzzles (500 pieces is the perfect amount, but if the design is cool enough, anything 500+ works!) 
  • I collect cool mugs! 
  • I'm also pretty into Star Wars
  • If edible, just no nuts please! (Unless it's a Take 5 bar...)
  • ....Caramel M&Ms!!


If nothing else, gift cards to Amazon, Target, or Best Buy will always work! 

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#7 Puffin



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Posted 16 November 2017 - 12:03 AM

I'm still doing this, btw, Monkey- just since I noticed I'm not on the list. :/


For a wishlist:

Can you tell I'm super in water color lately??


Gift cards for amazon are cool, too (if finding/ordering art supplies is too complicated and confusing, this is a great option) and I also appreciate flavored black tea.

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"Think we'll see a mummy?"


MP-Con 2016 Spreadsheet (New: Please fill out the Schedule page if you're going!)

#8 Vicious Parker

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Posted 18 November 2017 - 10:39 AM

OK, for me.




Some easy, generic options if you are not feeling creative (but are still perfectly acceptable options, really):


Steam Gift Cards

Amazon Gift Cards

Google Play Gift Cards

Nintendo E-Shop gift cards


Some easy, slightly less generic options:


Steam Wish list, for best use wait until steam sale: http://steamcommunit...nomad/wishlist/

Amazon Wish List (Currently ain't nuthin' but books, I have a kindle, so kindle or physical versions are fine):


My usual suggestions, for great justice:


Nerdy T-Shirts (Size XL, I guess, since large is way too inconsistent in t-shirts)

Any old DS or 3DS games that you don't want anymore. Not sure what I have or don't have? Ask Spaz, she can help you stealthily figure it out.

Whole-Bean coffee from any local roasters that you may like


Some new ideas for this year, but just suggestions:

Browse the "gift center" areas of hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes, and see if you can find interesting or useful tools that you think I might not have (I have all of the basics)

Any Legend of Zelda trinkets or toys

A Nintendo Switch

A New Steam Controller, if they go on sale

One of these, if the price goes down (otherwise, don't spend that much on me, plz):


That should cover it. I'm easy to please.

  • 0

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#9 Monkeydog



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Posted 19 November 2017 - 10:30 AM

You can ask Bee on Facebook in case you're not sure about what to get me or if I have something already.


My wish list:

  • I like really weird and obscure board games. I have a ton though.
  • Old DS games are cool. I have been trying to pick games up.
  • In general. I love RPGs.
  • I like Final Fantasy (particularly VI and IX), Persona, Studio Ghibli, Nintendo, Simpsons, Decemberists, Chrono Trigger, Megaman, Zelda...
  • I like toys.
  • Stuff for Celes.
  • I travel a lot now. I think I have a decent amount of travel stuff, but if there's something amazing I may not have that would be cool.
  • I would use gift cards to Amazon, Target, Google Play, Apple App Store, Costco, eShop, PSN, Steam, Best Buy.
  • Here's my Amazon Wishlist I don't really maintain (idk if you can see my other lists, but they're not relevant because I moved everything into that one huge list). 
  • Food and clothes would be good. I use both those things.
  • In general, I'll be happy with anything.

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#10 Amethyst


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 02:43 PM

tell rose and lily i like their cool nicknames!!!



  • clothing/accessorie type stuff
    • cute necklaces/collars/stockings/arm-warmers/bracelets (especially bangles)/etcetcetc are always super good!
    • or like cheap cute shirts/tanks from wherever, i'm generally a small-medium. medium probably safer.
    • my aesthetic can be pretty clearly matched if you google "pastel goth"-- i'll basically like anything that would fit there.
    • there are some stores i like here: x x x x x x but dont dig too far into that last one if you have kids or are at work
  • steam/league credit things are safe
  • i have a strong and growing stuffed animal/plushie collection... anything cute is good, bonus points if huggable. foxes and cute pokemon are S tier
  • herbal/decaf teas, cocoa, cider,
  • candy but preffo not chocolate, things like skittles/nerds/airheads are my favo's
  • anything cute/from japan is also pretty safe cuz still a weeb lol
  • a deck of tarot cards!

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~--crystals of ice grow like ivy through rusted heart never knew it might breathe--~

#11 Stars



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Posted 20 November 2017 - 02:38 PM

My Amazon Wish List

Also these dice

Gift cards for Amazon or GameStop are good if you want to go that route.

Anything is acceptable, really. I will enjoy whatever you get me.

If you have an idea but need details, ask Kamau/Puffin/VP/Monkey to tease it out of me, and I'll pretend I don't know what they're doing.


* * * * * * * * * *


 Panda's Amazon Wish List

  • 1

* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#12 Hyperlisk



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Posted 20 November 2017 - 10:58 PM


- Any gift card, basically: Stores for shopping, food or movies make good date nights.
- Yu-Gi-Oh cards: tins are always great, but individual packs are just as nice.
- Hot Cheetos. I'm basically an addict.
- Sci-fi/Fantasy books. Haven't read anything in forever, so whatever you like.
- Gloves for Winter/snow
- Hand-made things are cool

- Ukelele sheet music: Any genre
- Canvases and paint
- Jungle Speed board game
- Gift cards: Food, movies, etc.
- Your favorite book: Always looking for good reads.
- Fruity body sprays
- Bath bombs
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#13 BottomGuy


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Posted 21 November 2017 - 06:50 PM

Gift Ideas - Ideas and suggestions for gifts I would enjoy
  • Amazon Wish List - Not a comprehensive list of things I want from Amazon as I a) don't window shop on the site and b) forget to add cool stuff when I see it. Good place to get a vibe of my wants.
  • Kitchen Items - Anything small and colorful or fun cooking books and ideas. I enjoy Asian cuisine especially so stuff related to that like cookbooks or specialty stuff is cool.
  • Stamps/Postcards/Envelopes/etc- I write letters and postcards to friends 'cause it's fun surprise to receive mail. Man I have a hard time finding neat stamps for the postcards though.
  • Figurines - Finally starting to decorate/personalize my abode and my office at work now that I'm not wondering where I'll be living/working in a years time. NOT Funko Pop though, I hate those beady eyed things 'cause they all look the same and don't do the characters I love justice.
  • Stroopwafels - I'm almost reluctant to list this because every time I try to buy these they end up being stale, but man do I love them  :<3:  
  • Colorful Clothes - Hot damn if 90% of my geeky shirts and clothes aren't black. Everyone wears black, I don't want to be everyone! P.S. I'm a Large.
  • Socks - I got brightly colored striped socks from a co-worker last year and damn do I love them. Not only are they fun they are comfy. You've become an independent adult when you want socks.
  • Art - Enjoying hanging up more artwork in my apartment.
  • Board Games - Unlikely due to the cost of them but I do enjoy them.

Thematic Suggestions - If you're like I'm gonna buy them a thing*, these would be cool themes for that thing. *cookie cutter or shirt or figurine or book or art or trinket or awesome thing
  • ​Overwatch
  • Steven Universe
  • Gravity Falls
  • Pokémon
  • Monster Hunter
  • Tanks (I was going to say World of Tanks, but I just like tanks in general)

Past Gifts - Recent gifts that I have received and enjoyed so you can see what people get me
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Not "conspiracies". Conspiracy. Singular.

#14 Beesknees



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Posted 22 November 2017 - 09:37 PM

Hi everyone! Heres my list: brush pens, washi tape, cozy socks, gummy candies, unique candies/snacks, and Simpsons related things.
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#15 Xteven Xavier

Xteven Xavier

    Oh my GAWD!! so gay.

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Posted 23 November 2017 - 11:48 AM

Alright, I just updated my wishlist a little bit. So here it is in full glory, my amazon wishlist.


Also, like any movies or video games that you think are amazing, but only favorites. I just feel like if something is good enough to be someones favorite it has to be pretty good right?


Um, other than that I don't know. Surprise me with something I would never expect. If you can surprise me with some fiction I haven't read yet I would appreciate that as well. Just, like, I dunno. Anyway, I guess seam gift cards or Amazon gift cards are also good.

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