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Weekly Announcements 8/3/2015 - Hall of Announcements - Monkey Productions

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Weekly Announcements 8/3/2015

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3 replies to this topic

#1 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 11:27 AM

Have you been to Slack yet? If not, check it out! Install the app on your phone, it's lots of fun, and I barely send notifications to anyone at 4 AM.

Member of the Week:

Streets got arrested for his radical views disregarding a court order and threatening people on the streets. He's probably in for a rough few months, so regardless of how you feel about him, wish him the best, because despite his views, he was trying, in his own way, to help people. Good luck, Sam, and remember, you're always welcome to vent here.

Game of the Week
10000 Bulletz

How could I not? Something about a train in a ruined city or something. Wait, is the name 10,000 Bulletz, or Ten Thousand Bullets? There seems to have been a good deal of work put into this, but I don't know if it's enough to consider it good. Give it a try and rate it anyway!

[b]Weekly Poll

This wasn't updated last week! This week's poll (If anyone does it): Are you ready for Summer to be over yet? Yes, Very Yes, or No

How many motorbikes are involved in tournaments? - Monkeydog
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#2 Stars



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 06:54 PM

Weekly Poll

This wasn't updated last week! This week's poll (If anyone does it): Are you ready for Summer to be over yet? Yes, Very Yes, or No


I'm torn on this. On the one hand, I prefer cool weather. On the other, I pass drive through multiple school zones on my way to work, and I like that they're never active this time of year.

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* * * Stars' Final Fantasy Challenge * * *


Final Fantasy I - Completion Time 14:11

Final Fantasy II - Completion Time 27:03

Final Fantasy III - Play Time 07:24

Final Fantasy IV - Play Time 04:01

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

#3 kspr


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Posted 03 August 2015 - 08:27 PM

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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#4 panda


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 10:23 AM

I can't wait for winter season (sarcasm).


Winter in Kansas is just as bad as summer. At least it's easier to warm up than to cool down.

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