MP-Con. It's a thing, it's happening.
Also! I randomly made a Slack account for MP. So if you'd like to join gimme your emails and I'll invite you. :)
Member of the Week
Earlier this week Bean became enlighten and learned the correct way to browse MP while on the potty. He also posted a whole lot, probably because he's now capitalizing his toilet time and turning it into MP time. Which is a much better way to spend your time on a toilet than being on Reddit (which is now what Bean is telling everyone as far as I know).
Game of the Week
I have no idea what the point of this game is. I played it, and I still don't really get it. You start off, as you so often do in novice RPGs, in the middle of some big talking conflict where they talk about things beyond your comprehension. Then you're just left in the middle of nowhere with no idea where to go and a robot. Then you die in your first battle because your health just continually drains. Thus is (robotic) life.
Poll of the Week
I guess nobody loves Miltank. New non-Pokemon related poll.