Yes, a comic. I was having this idea a while back and thought it could be interesting. It wouldn't be about the stuff that happens here but it could have characters based on members. My idea was to make it in the style of the Order of the Stick. Anyone not familiair with it, http://www.giantitp....s/oots0001.html
If ANYONE had ideas for it, please post them in here. This means names for your character, how you want to look like, if you want in or not, ideas for places, events etc.
Let me guys know if you like this idea, and hopefully there will be a comic in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Not sure how long it will take to make one..
~Dark Shadow
UPDATE: Lazlo is the last one who will be put in the comic. If anyone else wants in, to bad, you're to late.
Names of the characters:
Glaciermage = Glace
Bean = Bean
Legacy = Leggy (Legacy?)
Kamau = Kamau
Stars = Kato
Puffin = Puffin
Spaz = Spaz
Xteven = Xerxes Zazmatazz
Bottomguy = Hadrian
Dark Shadow = ????
Tsjatupa = ????