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New reputation levels - Hall of Announcements - Monkey Productions

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New reputation levels

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#1 Vicious Parker

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:05 PM


I got bored and decided to update the reputation levels. Bean has been asking a lot about it lately, usually related to sorting posts, but who cares. It made me remember that I only included a handful of reputation titles when I initially set up the system, and that I've been intending to fix that for some time. I can't remember how many there were before, but I want to say that there were probably 7-10. I've increased that number to 20, and changed the theme entirely. Now the reputation theme revolves around "blank slate" type characters in video games. Not specifically games where you get to make a character from scratch (like Elder Scrolls), though those kinds of characters are featured, too. More the type of characters where the player has some control over creating that character's personality, even if it's only imagined. The less developed the character, the better. There are a few on the list that might be disputed, such as Commander Shepard of Mass Effect, but this list was a lot harder to come up with than I expected. (I mean, I could have put a thousand "chosen ones" on there, but I was looking for more specific titles than that). It will also now probably take a long time to reach the highest rank. As of writing this, I believe Bean has the highest reputation, at 252. Now the highest possible level is going to be 1950.

I did my best to make as many of the titles as I could relevant to this board based on what we post about, or have posted about. The ones that don't quite fit in were used because I just couldn't think of anything else. I considered not posting them and letting everyone discover the levels, but considering the new higher requirements, I'm going to let you guys see what they all are. If anyone thinks they should be changed, or maybe the requirements are too high... or the references don't make sense, just say so. I'm open to suggestion. (Maybe I'll give +20 reputation to anyone who can correctly identify all of the references).

Here are the new reputation levels:

  • 0 Silent Protagonist
  • 20 3rd Street Saint
  • 50 Grey Warden
  • 90 Doomguy
  • 140 Steve
  • 200 Prince of All Cosmos
  • 260 The Nameless One
  • 330 The Kid
  • 410 The Master
  • 500 Vault Hunter
  • 600 The Avatar
  • 710 Commander Shepard
  • 830 Vault Dweller
  • 960 The Right Man in the Wrong Place
  • 1100 The Chosen Boy
  • 1250 Hero from the East
  • 1410 Pokemon Master
  • 1580 Hero of Hyrule
  • 1760 Secondary Unit
  • 1950 Nerevarine

Better get posting!
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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

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#2 Vicious Parker

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:09 PM

On a side note, I haven't had a "Stay up past my bed time and abuse my admin privileges" night in a long time.... I should probably go to bed...
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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#3 lazlo falconi

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:41 AM

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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#4 Monkeydog



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:28 AM

Awesome. You're the best Invince. <3

I moved this because it's kind of an announcement? (also if any admin reads this I'm not going to be able to update MOTW/GOTW, maybe, so if you want to go for it)
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#5 Glaciermage


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:01 AM

I'm on my phone so I didn't check the exact number, but kspr is actually tops in rep with 300+. This is great, VP! Nice work! We all have something to shoot for.

Monkeydog, I'll do the weekly update after work today if no other admin beats me to it.
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Old flash signature has been revived for nostalgic purposes. Too bad RpgWizard hasn't been revived. :\

#6 lazlo falconi

lazlo falconi

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:33 AM

Dibs on member of the week.
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Or, to put it more politely, "Neener neener."

-all my friends that came with are drinking out in the car
--forever alone
+\- joke's on them i'm too drunk to drive

#7 Donkeymog


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 07:40 AM

/>I'm on my phone so I didn't check the exact number, but kspr is actually tops in rep with 300+.

Yeah, kspr is an insane reputation-eating monster. Mad props to the guy.


0 Silent Protagonist = Could be any number of games, but I'm a guess you're thinking of Half-Life
20 3rd Street Saint = From the name I'd assume Saints Row 3
50 Grey Warden = Dragon Age
90 Doomguy = DOOM!
140 Steve = Minecraft
200 Prince of All Cosmos = Me?
260 The Nameless One = Planescape: Torment
330 The Kid = Bastion
410 The Master = Super Scientology RPG?
500 Vault Hunter = Fallout?
600 The Avatar = I'm pretty sure the Avatar is from the Ultima series.
710 Commander Shepard = Mass Erect 3 or whatever.
830 Vault Dweller = Also Fallout?
960 The Right Man in the Wrong Place = Half-Life again?
1100 The Chosen Boy = Super Meat Boy?
1250 Hero from the East = Prince of Persia?
1410 Pokemon Master = Pokemons blates.
1580 Hero of Hyrule = Zelda for shizzle.
1760 Secondary Unit = Portal 2 (you know, the co-op guys maybe?)
1950 Nerevarine = Morrowind
  • 3

I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

#8 Vicious Parker

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:08 AM

Valiant effort. 12 out of 20. As a hint, the first one doesn't refer to any specific character or game. The idea that newer members with lower reps would be "Silent Protagonists" with no real character qualities yet. I'll let that one have a pass.

Hint the second: I intentionally did not re-use any games or series. A couple of developers show up more than once, but that is the only repeat.

Hint the third: One of those was included JUST FOR YOU, Bean, and you missed it. I look forward to your surprise when you figure it out :).
  • 0

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#9 Donkeymog


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:31 AM

/>Hint the third: One of those was included JUST FOR YOU, Bean, and you missed it. I look forward to your surprise when you figure it out :).

Hero from the East is Quest for Glory. I remembered that the hero's origin is to have come down from the mountain pass to the East. But as most of the series takes place to the East of the first game where the hero makes his name I always think of him as being from the West.
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I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

#10 Vicious Parker

Vicious Parker

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:42 AM

Eh, I wasn't being picky. 13/20.
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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#11 Monkeydog



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:13 AM

Posted Image
Picture of Bean?
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#12 Monkeydog



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:20 AM

Also, let me guess.

Is The Chosen Boy Ness?

The Master sounds familiar...but all I think of is Fallout.
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#13 Donkeymog


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 12:23 PM

/>Posted Image
Picture of Bean?

I have no idea what that is.
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I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime...

#14 Monkeydog



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 12:27 PM

The Prince from Katamari Damacy.
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#15 Weiss


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 12:45 PM

i like the new reputation names.... but what if i don't want to be a goody two shoes x3

i guess i'd probably be banned logically but that's not what i was trying to say lol
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I have no amazing personality traits except the fact I'm British and People don't like my personality.. but i do have a British Accent so at least Some Americans can be angry and oddly happy at the same time.

#16 Vicious Parker

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:39 PM

  • 0

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#17 kspr


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:50 PM


  • 410 The Master

Posted Image

even if i'm wrong, this is the only master for me.
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you awaken in the intestinal tract of satan. you must defeat the hydra to escape. your only weapon is righteous anger. 

#18 Vicious Parker

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:56 PM

I suppose it is kind of an obscure one.
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The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

#19 Monkeydog



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 07:35 PM


  • 410 The Master

Posted Image

even if i'm wrong, this is the only master for me.

Can we just have H Jon Benjamin references for reputations next?

The Master
Scott Braddock
Thank God It's Fired Egg Burger

(I'm kidding Invince, yours is better)
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#20 Vicious Parker

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 07:51 PM

Well, I'll have to come up with something new if/when enough people reach the new high levels.
  • 0

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.

-Mr. Peanutbutter

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